Sunday, November 7, 2010

1st quarter, first book.

In the first quarter of this year, I read the book "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest." this book was the third in a trilogy with the first two books being "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," and "The Girl who Played with Fire." I really liked this book trilogy because it was full of action, mystery, and very creative characters and story line. The beginning of the third book takes place only minutes after the second book ends. The trilogy is about a man named Mikal Blomkvist who is a journalist and investigator. The story is also about a woman named Salander. Salander is a computer hacker and investigator. Salander works on cases with Mikal. The third book is about the two of them trying to prove that Salander was innocent after she was accused of killing two of Blomkvist's close friends. I really enjoyed this book series.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Almost done with marley and me.

I have been reading Marley and Me for the past few weeks and I am really enjoying it so far. I am up to the part of the book where the family is starting to realize that Marly is an old dog and that he is dying. I feel that this is one of the reasons I would not like to have a dog. People tend to get really attached to dogs and think of them as an actual part of the family. I feel like I would not be able to allow myself to become attached to an animal because I would dread the day when you start to realize that its all downhill for the dog.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

new book and new quarter.

I have started reading the book Middlesex for the fourth quarter. It is about a hermaphrodite (also referred to as transgender) named Cal. When Cal was born and was a baby her parents decided that they wanted a girl so the babies name was Caliope. When Caliope grew up she found out that she was born with both genitals and she realized that she really was more of a man. So now his name is just Cal for short. The cool thing about this book is that it is also the back story of his family. Cal's grandmother had a tradition, whenever a women in the family got pregnant she would hold up a spoon on a string to their stomach and depending on the way the spoon swung she was able to tell if the baby was a boy, or a girl. The grandmothers method had never been wrong, she let the spoon swing and said that the baby would be a boy. So far I like the book and look forward to reading more.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

This post won't be very long. I just wanted to make a post because over the break this past week I finished the book The Lovely Bones. The book was very good and I liked it because it was part mystery but the reader already knows who the killer is. I forget what the word is but in this book there is a method used where the reader knows things that the characters don't. Anyways, I really enjoyed the book, right now I am in the transition of trying to find a new book.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


So, I actually finished Fast Food Nation last week and even though we did not have to blog this week but because I have started a new book I thought I should. So my new book is The Lovely Bones. I decided to read it because it was turned into a movie and the commercials interested me. The book is about this girl, Susie, who is raped and murdered in the first chapter. The book follows the story of the family trying to find the killer, as well as the story of Susie's experience of heaven. What made me interested in this book was the uniqueness of it. In this book, after you die your in your own personal heaven interacting with others in their personal heavens; and at the same time you are able to watch and understand what people on earth are doing and thinking. Right now I'm on page 50 and I'm enjoying the book and am looking forward to the rest of it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Macdonalds law suit.

I have gotten to the point in the book where the author is talking about some of Macdonalds law suits that they have been in. One in particular was this one where these girls were suing because they said that the fast food made them fat. This same case was in the movie Super Size Me. I just wanted to talk about this because I thought this way when I saw the movie and I feel the same way now. People should not blame fast food for being fat. Granted, Macdonalds is not healthy for you but theres no reason why somebody should be eating so much of it anyway. People shouldn't just point a finger at the easiest scapegoat because they dont want to realize that it is really their fault. This kind of case is similar to if I was hit by a car because I was fooling around and then I sued the driver.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


As my first book of this quarter I am reading the book Fast Food Nation Eric Schosser. It is about the back story and behind the scenes about the fast food industry. I have not read much of the book yet because I just started to read, and I'm finding it weird because the author is talking about the man that started Mcdonalds and his life. I thought it was really strange because when I think about the fast food industry I think of fat cats that dont care about the health of their customers; but I dont think of a farm worker who is offered a job with this uncle in California. So far the author has not mentioned any of the bad parts of the fast food industry so I am really looking forward to reading that.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ending the quarter well with another finished book!

I finished The Urban Hermit, and I really liked it for a few reasons. First the book was good because you can't help but feeling like you know Sam (the urban hermit). Also the book was good because he was really funny. One final reason I liked the book was because it was so cool to actually think that somebody did what this man did. He only spent eight dollars a weeks and only ate eight-hundred calories a day and completely succeeded and his life became much better. So yea I think this is where I will leave off my blog off for this marking period.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another new book!!!

So I have started my third book of the quarter, it is called The Urban Hermit by Sam MacDonald. It is a true story about himself. Sam, after college (he went to harvard) slowly spent money and gained a lot of weight. He reached a point where he owed so much money to the government and was so overweight that he had to do something drastic. So he started an experiment called the urban hermit project. In it he would only spend eight dollars a week and eat 800 calories a day. This book is him re-living this crazy experiment and the best part is what happened to him after, after he was done he was debt free, 160 pounds lighter, and got a job as a news reporter. I really like this book so far because I really like the craziness of his plan and the story is actually funny even though basically the whole story is told in the first chapter.