Thursday, April 22, 2010

new book and new quarter.

I have started reading the book Middlesex for the fourth quarter. It is about a hermaphrodite (also referred to as transgender) named Cal. When Cal was born and was a baby her parents decided that they wanted a girl so the babies name was Caliope. When Caliope grew up she found out that she was born with both genitals and she realized that she really was more of a man. So now his name is just Cal for short. The cool thing about this book is that it is also the back story of his family. Cal's grandmother had a tradition, whenever a women in the family got pregnant she would hold up a spoon on a string to their stomach and depending on the way the spoon swung she was able to tell if the baby was a boy, or a girl. The grandmothers method had never been wrong, she let the spoon swing and said that the baby would be a boy. So far I like the book and look forward to reading more.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

This post won't be very long. I just wanted to make a post because over the break this past week I finished the book The Lovely Bones. The book was very good and I liked it because it was part mystery but the reader already knows who the killer is. I forget what the word is but in this book there is a method used where the reader knows things that the characters don't. Anyways, I really enjoyed the book, right now I am in the transition of trying to find a new book.