Thursday, March 4, 2010


So, I actually finished Fast Food Nation last week and even though we did not have to blog this week but because I have started a new book I thought I should. So my new book is The Lovely Bones. I decided to read it because it was turned into a movie and the commercials interested me. The book is about this girl, Susie, who is raped and murdered in the first chapter. The book follows the story of the family trying to find the killer, as well as the story of Susie's experience of heaven. What made me interested in this book was the uniqueness of it. In this book, after you die your in your own personal heaven interacting with others in their personal heavens; and at the same time you are able to watch and understand what people on earth are doing and thinking. Right now I'm on page 50 and I'm enjoying the book and am looking forward to the rest of it.

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