Sunday, November 7, 2010

1st quarter, first book.

In the first quarter of this year, I read the book "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest." this book was the third in a trilogy with the first two books being "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," and "The Girl who Played with Fire." I really liked this book trilogy because it was full of action, mystery, and very creative characters and story line. The beginning of the third book takes place only minutes after the second book ends. The trilogy is about a man named Mikal Blomkvist who is a journalist and investigator. The story is also about a woman named Salander. Salander is a computer hacker and investigator. Salander works on cases with Mikal. The third book is about the two of them trying to prove that Salander was innocent after she was accused of killing two of Blomkvist's close friends. I really enjoyed this book series.

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