I decided that I was at a good spot in the book to write about. again, note that a bunch of the words in this entry will not be recognizable, I will try to explain as much as possible. After leaving Solara, Bobby and Patrick, the traveler from third earth, go to third earth. Third earth is earth in about a thousand years. When they return it is not the third earth that Patrick had left. The two realize that they are at the zoo (or more like where the Bronx zoo was) because there were random animals walking around; and a polar bear that nearly kills them. They start to walk to where the old subway station/flume was in second earth. when they get somewhat close, they realize that the Ravinians (Saint Dane's group of "elite" people) had made a gigantic fortress. the wall surrounding the Ravinians fortress was about a thousand feet up. The two look for many ways to get on the other side of the wall and fail. Patrick is the first to admit that the two would have to transform into gians birds to be able to fly over the wall. Bobby willingly agrees that it is the onlt way across, even though this will somewhat deplete Solara of some of it's energy. Well, that is all for now, because as of right now that is where i am in the book. I can't wait to read some more of it!
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